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CID Docs

East Loop Community Improvement District Documents

Meeting Agendas

Meeting Minutes


Resolution No. 16-001 First Action

Resolution No. 16-002 approving custodian of records

Resolution No. 16-003 approving Special Assessment

Resolution No. 16-004 approving FYE June 30 2017 budget

Resolution No. 16-005 approving Darwin National for D&O insurance

Resolution No. 17-001 approving Busey Bank and authorized signers

Resolution No. 17-002 Resolution amending June 30 2017 and approving 2018 budgets

Resolution No. 17-003 approving 2017 special assessment

Resolution No. 17-004 approving amended June 30 2018 Budget

Resolution No. 17-005 approving conflict of interest policy

Resolution No. 18-001 approving budget for fiscal year ending June 30 2019

Resolution No. 18-002 approving 2018 special assessment

Resolution No. 18-003 approving Compliance reporting policy

Resolution No. 18-004 approving records retention policy

Resolution No. 18-005 approving insurance

Resolution No. 18-006 amending bylaws

Resolution No. 18-007 amending June 30 2019 budget

Resolution No. 18-008 Executive Director as custodian of records

Resolution No. 18-009 approving bank authorized signers

Resolution No. 18-010 approving lease agreement

Resolution No. 18-011 approving Contractor for parking lot improvements

Resolution No. 18-012 approving MOU

Resolution No. 18-013 approving administrative policies

Resolution No. 20-001 amending budget FY 2019 2020

Resolution No. 21-01 Approving Special Assessment

Resolution No. 21-02 Authorizing Regions Credit Card

Resolution No. 21-03 Approving Regions Credit Card

Resolution No. 22-04 Budget Resolution

Resolution No. 23-01 Budget Resolution

Resolution No. 23-02 Approving Special Assessment

Resolution No. 23-03 Approving Renaissance Financial Institution

Resolution No. 23-04 Approving Enterprise Bank

Resolution No. 23-05 Approving Chase Credit Card

Resolution No. 24-01 Budget Resolution

Resolution No. 24-02 Approving Special Assessment

Resolution No. 24-01 Budget Resolution


Resources for Businesses

We are excited to announce the release of our comprehensive Delmar Loop Business Guide! Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, an established business owner seeking a new location, or ready to transition from pop-up to brick-and-mortar, this guide is your essential companion. Packed with insights, resources, and practical steps, it's designed to help you navigate starting your business in the Delmar Loop. Embrace the future of your business today with the Delmar Loop Business Guide!


As policies continue to be updated and are ever evolving, we expect this document to be updated regularly. Feel free to reach out to us if you see conflicting information in this guide. We appreciate the feedback! 



2023 Qualitative Market Study

The East Loop CID strives to create a secure, welcoming community while preserving its unique character through improved services and infrastructure. This market study seeks to identify opportunities for enhancing the real estate and development mix, addressing obstacles for businesses and developers, and ultimately fostering a more attractive and sustainable community for future investments.

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The East Loop Qualitative Market Study, conducted by Steadfast City, not only highlights the region's economic strengths and weaknesses but also formulates actionable plans to fortify existing strengths, mitigate weaknesses, and capitalize on untapped opportunities, presenting a comprehensive roadmap for sustainable growth in the East Loop.

2024 Economic Snapshot 

The "Delmar Loop CID Economic Snapshot" provides a comprehensive overview of the current economic landscape and future projections for the Delmar Loop area. Highlighting significant projects such as the $1.5 million Delmar Station improvements and the $6 million streetscape project, the document outlines substantial investments aimed at enhancing public safety, infrastructure, and urban vibrancy.

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It also emphasizes the anticipated consumer spending growth of 16.5% by 2028 and features key developments like the $100 million Subtext Mixed-Use Apartment Building. The snapshot details the area's robust amenities, including transit options, public safety initiatives, and community beautification efforts, reinforcing the Delmar Loop's status as a thriving, dynamic urban destination.

Other Resources

Small Business Resources from the St. Louis Public Library


Small Business Empowerment Center


Small Business Administration 

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Northside Economic Empowerment Center

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Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts

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Small Business Majority 

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Missouri Small Business Loan Program

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There are currently no small grants programs available through the CID. Please check back again soon! Join our mailing list to be notified!

Safety & Maintenance

Safety and Maintenance 

The East Loop CID prioritizes safety and security enhancements as a crucial aspect of our mission. Some of our continued efforts include increased lighting, surveillance cameras, private security patrols, and community outreach. By working to enhance safety and security, we create a more inviting and secure environment for businesses, residents, and visitors alike.

Dedicated to maintaining and enhancing the physical environment of our district, the East Loop CID, assists with the maintenance and upkeep of public spaces, including sidewalks, streets, landscaping, and public amenities. By investing in maintenance and upkeep, we help create a more attractive and well-maintained environment, which can have a positive impact on property values, economic development, and overall quality of life for residents and visitors.

If you have a question or concern in regards to Safety or Maintenance, please contact us. You can also contact our security consultant, Central West End Neighborhood Security Initiatives to ask questions or report any activity. Contact information is below:


Jim Whyte



Requests for Proposals

Invitation to Submit Proposals for the East Loop CID Streetscape Enhancement Project


The East Loop Community Improvement District (CID) is excited to announce our Streetscape Enhancement Project along the 5800-5900 blocks of Delmar Boulevard in St. Louis, Missouri. This project is a vital part of our ongoing efforts to revitalize Delmar Boulevard and position the corridor for future development.


We are inviting proposals from qualified firms to survey, design, and produce construction documents for this significant project. The scope of work includes sidewalk enhancements, road diets, streetscape improvements, community connectivity enhancements, and the integration of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) strategies. This project will follow the Local Public Agency (LPA) Process and support a future Federal Grant for implementation.


The following firms have been invited to submit proposals:​

  • ABNA Engineering

  • Arbolope Studio

  • David Mason + Associates

  • DTLS Landscape Architecture

  • Lamar Johnson Collaborative

  • Lochmueller Group

  • Loomis Associates

  • SWT Design


Key dates to note:

  • Proposal Due Date: Extended to September 6th, 2024, by 5:00 PM Central.

  • Submission: Proposals should be in PDF format and emailed to


You can access the full Request for Proposal (RFP) with detailed information about the project’s scope, requirements, and submission guidelines here.


We look forward to receiving your proposals and collaborating on this exciting opportunity to enhance Delmar Boulevard. For any questions or additional information, please contact Samantha at 618-334-4772 or via email at

Find what you were looking for?

If you require additional resources or assistance, please do not hesitate to inform us. We are dedicated to helping you obtain the necessary resources and support you require. Please inform us of any other requirements or concerns you may have, and we will do everything in our power to assist you.

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